Presentation "Numerical simulations with pseudo-potential for Reissner-Nordström naked singularity" at RAGTIME 26, December 10, 2024, Opava, Czech Republic, pdf file
Monographic Lectures "Numerical simulations of accretion discs" in Geoplanet & SGMK doctoral schools, Warsaw & Torun, winter semester 2024/2025, pdf file (25MB)
Presentation (in Croatian) "Gole singularnosti kao konkurencija crnim rupama" for secondary school students & teachers & general public at Excellence Center for Astronomy, Croatia, December 06, 2024, Varazdin, pdf file
Scientific outreach talk, "Kosmiczne kino: narodziny gwiazd" in the "Meeting with Astronomy" cycle, (in Polish), October 28, 2024, CAMK, Warsaw, pdf file
Presentation "Magnetospheric star-disk and star-planet interaction" at CompAS & CHARMS group meeting, July 22 & 23, 2024, ASIAA, Taipei, Taiwan, pdf file,
Presentation "Torque in magnetospheric star-disk interaction" at 45th COSPAR 2024, 15 July 2024, Busan, South Korea, pdf file,
k-poster "Radio emission from auroras on planets around pulsars" and its short poster presentation at European Astronomical Society 2024 meeting (EAS2024), 1-5 July 2024, Padova, Italy, pdf file with poster snapshots and abstract with some text, pdf file with short poster presentation,
Presentation (slides) "Zorze polarne (aurory) i Słońce" for Piknik Naukowy manifestation at National Stadium PGE in Warsaw, Poland, 15.06.2024, (in Polish), pdf file,
Presentation "Art preceding science: auroras on pulsar planets" at the "SGMK Colegia Debate" conference, April 10, 2024, Warsaw, Poland, pdf file,
Poster "Simulated outflows from accreting magnetized white dwarfs" (presented by Prof. W. Kluźniak) at "Current challenges in the physics of white dwarf stars", March 25-29, 2024, Santa Fe, NM, USA, pdf file,
Presentation "Numerical simulations of accretion disks and auroras on exoplanets" at The 6th Young Astronomers Meeting at CAMK-PAN, March 07, 2024, Warsaw, Poland, (online), pdf file,
Presentation "Art preceding science: auroras on pulsar planets" at the Institute of Physics, Silesian University in Opava, March 07, 2024, Opava, Czechia, pdf file,
Presentation "Art preceding science: auroras on pulsar planets" at Journal Club, March 04, 2024, CAMK, Warsaw, Poland, pdf file
Presentation at Zjazd CAMK 2023, January 31, 2024, yearly meeting of the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland, pdf file
Scientific outreach talk, "Amatorski radioteleskop" at the "Meeting with Astronomy" cycle, (in Polish), December 11, 2023, CAMK, Warsaw, pdf file
Keynote speaker invited talk "Radio emission from pulsar-planet magnetospheric interaction" at RAGTIME 25, November 29, 2023, Opava, Czech Republic, pdf file
Presentation (in Croatian) "Aurore na planetima oko pulsara" for elementary and secondary school students & teachers at Excellence Center for Astronomy, Croatia, November 25, 2023, Varazdin, pdf file
Presentation "Auroras on planets around pulsars" at Wednesday Colloquium, CAMK, November 08, 2023, Warsaw, pdf file
Presentation "Radio emission from from pulsar-planet magnetospheric interaction" in the Astrophysics Division of the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) seminar, 31.10.2023, Warsaw, pdf file
Presentation "Listening of the Galaxy with a wire" on amateur radio astronomy, a special seminar in the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland, July 21, 2023, pdf file,
Lecture series for Summer program students, "Star-Planet interaction with PLUTO code", in the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland, July 17-21, 2023, pdf file
Posters at European Astronomical Society, EAS2023 meeting in Krakow, 10-14 07. 2023, collaborations with PhD students of CAMK Warsaw, png files:
Auroras on pulsar planets,
Accretion disk backflow in resistive MHD simulations,
Orszag-Tang test problem,
Maximum mass and deformation of magnetized rotating strange quark stars
Presentation "Radio emission from auroras on pulsar planets" at workshop "Disk, tori, spheres. Accretion onto compact objects", 22-27.06.2023, Opava, Czech Republic, pdf file
Scientific outreach talk on modern astronomy "Naše novo nebo"="Our New Skies" in Kolan library (in Croatian), 06. June 2023, Kolan, Croatia, pdf file
Presentation "Slušanje Galaksije komadićem žice"="Listening of the Galaxy with a wire" on Amateur Radio Telescope in STEM programs, Technical School
in Čakovec
and in European Talent Center for Astronomy, Varaždin, Croatia (in Croatian),
May 12th and May 13th, 2023,
pdf file
Scientific outreach talk on modern astronomy "Naše novo nebo"="Our new skies" in "Srijedom u Muzeju" series (in Croatian), May 10th, 2023, Varaždin, Croatia, pdf file, video recording(125MB)
Contributed talk at the "Astroparticle 2023" meeting, February 16, 2023, Krakow, Poland, pdf file
Presentation at Zjazd CAMK 2022, January 12, 2023, yearly meeting of the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland, pdf file
Lecture (in Croatian) "Računalna astrofizika" (Computational astrophysics), Workshop lecture for secondary school students, November 24, 2022, European Talent Centre, Varaždin, Croatia (Workshop lecture for secondary school students), pdf file
Presentation "Aurora on planet around pulsar" at RAGtime 24 workshop, October 12, 2022, Opava, Czech Republic, pdf file
Contributed talk at the 31st Texas Symposium, September 13, 2022, Prague, Czech Republic, pdf file
Lecture series "Thin accretion disk", Feb-March, 2022, Silesian University, Opava, Czech Republic, link
Presentation at 5th Meeting of Young Astronomers, March 3, 2022, CAMK Warsaw, Poland (online due to COVID-19), pdf file
Presentation at Zjazd CAMK 2021, January 27, 2022, yearly meeting of the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland (online due to COVID-19), pdf file
Presentation at the Physics Department Seminar, "Numerical simulations of star-disk magnetospheric interaction", October 14, 2021, Silesian University, Opava, Czech Republic, pdf file
Lecture series "Numerical simulations with PLUTO code", October 04-15, 2021, Silesian University, Opava, Czech Republic, pdf file
Presentation at "Feeding the spinning top" collaboration workshop, September 15, 2021, International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, Switzerland, pdf file
Poster in collaboration, presented by a student Filip Cieciuch, at the 40th Polish Astronomical Society Assembly, 13-17 September 2021, Szczecin, Poland (online due to COVID-19), pdf file
Presentation at Journal Club, June 21, 2021, CAMK, Warsaw, Poland (online due to COVID-19), pdf file
Lecture series "Numerical simulations with PLUTO code", May 04-18, 2021, NCU, Zhongli, Taiwan (online), pdf file, see also Miki's PLUTO lectures webpage
Specialized Lectures in Geoplanet Doctoral School, "Numerical simulations with PLUTO code", April 08-22, 2021, CAMK, Warsaw, Poland (online), pdf file
Presentation at Journal Club, Mar. 29, 2021, CAMK, Warsaw, Poland (online due to COVID-19), pdf file
Presentation at Wednesday Colloquium, March 24, 2021, CAMK, Warsaw, Poland (online due to COVID-19), pdf file
Presentation at Zjazd CAMK 2020, January 14, 2021, yearly meeting of the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland (online due to COVID-19), pdf file
Presentation at Journal Club, Oct. 26, 2020, CAMK, Warsaw, Poland (online due to COVID-19), pdf file
Presentation at RAGtime 22 workshop, October 19-23, 2020, Opava, Czech Republic (online due to COVID-19), pdf file
Presentation at Journal Club, August 05, 2020, SHAO, Shanghai, China (online due to COVID-19), pdf file
Lecture series "Introduction to PLUTO code", Shanghai Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, July 02-10, 2020, Shanghai, China, pdf file
Presentation at Journal Club, June 03, 2020, SHAO, Shanghai, China (online due to COVID-19), pdf file
Presentation at Journal Club, April 08, 2020, SHAO, Shanghai, China (online due to COVID-19), pdf file
Invited talk at RAGtime MHD workshop, 04-06 November, 2019, Opava, Czech Republic, pdf file
Posters in collaborations, presented by students at the 39th Polish
Astronomical Society
Assembly, 9th to 12th September 2019, Olsztyn, Poland, pdf files,
Ruchi Mishra,
Cezary Turski,
Aleksandra Kotek,
Maciej Jabłoński,
Robert Jaros
Poster (presented by Prof. W. Kluźniak) at "A Centenary of Astrophysical Jets: Observation, Theory, and Future Prospects" conference, July 23-26, 2019, SKA Global HQ, Jodrell Bank Obs., UK, pdf file
Poster (presented by Prof. W. Kluźniak) at a KITP Conference "Planet-Star Connections in the Era of TESS and Gaia", May 20-24, 2019, UC Santa Barbara, California, USA, pdf file
Presentation at Wednesday Colloquium, May 08, 2019, CAMK, Warsaw, pdf file
Scientific outreach talk "Pola magnetyczne w kosmosie: magia stosowana" in the "Meeting with Astronomy" cycle, (in Polish), February 11, 2019, CAMK, Warsaw, pdf file
Presentation at Zjazd CAMK 2018, January 10, 2019, yearly meeting of the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland, pdf file
Invited talk at "Slim accretion disks workshop," October 21-23, 2018, Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland, pdf file
Electronic Poster at IAU S346 during the IAU General Assembly, August 27-31 08, 2018, Vienna, Austria, pdf file
Presentation at POLNS18 meeting, March 26-28 03, 2018, Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland, pdf file
Presentation at COST Action PHAROS meeting "The challenge of transitional millisecond pulsars", March 21-23, 2018, INAF Astronomical Observatory of Rome, Italy, pdf file
Presentation at Young Astronomers III meeting, February 22-24, 2018, Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland, pdf file
Presentation at ALMA North America-Taiwan Joint Workshop 2018, February 6-9, 2018, Hsinchu, Taiwan, pdf file
Presentation at Zjazd CAMK 2017, January 10, 2018, yearly meeting of the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland, pdf file
Scientific outreach talk (in Polish) "Dysk akrecyjny i pole magnetyczne gwiazd" for members of Astronomy Club (Koło naukowe Astronomii) of Warsaw University at Physics department, December 04, 2017, Warsaw, Poland, pdf file
Poster at "Physics of Neutron Stars – 2017" conference in St.Petersburg, Russia, July 10-14, 2017, pdf file
Scientific outreach talk "Pole magnetyczne w gwiazdach i dyskach akrecyjnych" in the "Meeting with Astronomy" cycle, (in Polish), May 08, 2017, CAMK, Warsaw, pdf file
Presentation at Annual NewCompStar 2017 Conference, Warsaw, Poland, March 28, 2017, pdf file
Presentation at CAMK seminar, CAMK Torun, Poland, March 09, 2017, pdf file
Presentation at Zjazd CAMK 2016, January 2017, yearly meeting of the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, pdf file
Presentation at Physics Department Seminar, University of Science, Zagreb, May 18, 2016, Zagreb, Croatia, pdf file
Presentation at Journal Club, Apr. 18, 2016, CAMK, Warsaw, Poland, pdf file
Presentation at CompAS Seminar, Feb. 26, 2016, ASIAA, Taipei, Taiwan, pdf file
Presentation at Zjazd CAMK 2015, January 2016, yearly meeting of the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, pdf file
Poster at "Disc dynamics & planet formation" conference, 29.06-03.07 2015, Larnaka, Cyprus, pdf file
Presentation at TOUPIES meeting, May 19, 2015, CEA Saclay, France, pdf file
Presentation at CompAS Seminar, Apr. 30, 2015, ASIAA, Taipei, Taiwan, pdf file
Presentation at Postdoc Seminar, Mar. 17, 2015, CEA Saclay, Paris, France, pdf file
Presentation at Copernicus & Hevelius Relativistic Astrophysics Meeting, Dec. 08-14, 2014, Cracow, Poland, pdf file
Presentation at COAST seminar, Oct. 31, 2014, CEA/SAp Saclay, Paris, France, pdf file
Presentation at TOUPIES workshop, Oct. 09, 2014, Grenoble, France, pdf file
Presentation at Lunch Box Talk, Apr. 07, 2014, ASIAA, Taipei, Taiwan, pdf file
Presentation at CompAS seminar, Oct. 31, 2013, ASIAA, Taipei, Taiwan, pdf file
Poster at PPVI (Protostars & Planets), July 15-20, 2013, Heidelberg, Germany, pdf file
Presentation at mini Workshop “Bulgeless galaxies and their central engines”, March 12, 2013, ASIAA, Taipei, Taiwan, pdf file
Presentation at The Third Cross-Strait Astrophysics Symposium, 6-8 December, 2012, XiaMen University, XiaMen, China, pdf file
Poster at The Astronomical Society of the ROC 2012 Annual Meeting (ASROC2012), 25-27 May 2012, National Taitung University, Taitung, Taiwan, pdf file
Presentation in IAA Lunch Talk, May 21, 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, pdf file
Poster at "ALMA/NAASC 2012 Workshop: Outflows, Winds and Jets" (6th annual workshop), March 3-6, 2012, Charlottesville, USA, pdf file
Poster at "Magnetic Fields in the Universe: from Laboratory and Stars to Primordial Structures" (MFU III) conference, August 21-27, 2011, Zakopane, Poland, pdf file
Contributed talk at "Spectroimaging Star Formation" Workshop, June 20-24, 2011, ASIAA Taipei, Taiwan, pdf file
Presentation at The First SHAO-ASIAA Workshop, Mar 31-Apr 01, 2011, Shanghai, China, pdf file
Invited ISAPS seminar, March 24, 2011, NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan, pdf file
Poster for Panel Meeting, March 21-22, 2011, ASIAA Taipei, Taiwan, jpg file
Presentation at the Star Formation group meeting, IAA, NTU Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 11, 2011, pdf file
Contributed Talk in The Fourth East Asian Numerical Astrophysics Meeting (EANAM 2010), November 2-5, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan, pdf file
Poster for IAU Symposium 271: Astrophysical dynamics – from stars to galaxies, Jun 21-25, 2010, Nice, France, jpg file
Contributed Talk in The Astronomical Society of the ROC 2010 Annual meeting (ASROC2010), 28-30 May, 2010, IAA, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010, pdf file
Poster for ASIAA Panel Meeting, Mar 22-23, 2010, IAA Taipei, jpg file
Presentation in the 1st Crazy Lunch Talk, IAA, Taipei, Taiwan, March 15th, 2010, pdf file
Presentation in CFD-MHD Journal Club, IAA, Taipei, Taiwan, January 5th, 2010, pdf file
Presentation in IAA Lunchbox Talk, IAA, Taipei, Taiwan, November 23th, 2009, pdf file
Presentation in CFD-MHD Seminar, IAA, Taipei, Taiwan, November 10th, 2009, pdf file
Presentation in CFD-MHD Journal Club, IAA, Taipei, Taiwan, October 27th, 2009, pdf file
Presentation in Final Jetset Meeting, Jena, Germany, 12th January 2009, pdf file
Presentation in Astro-Seminar in University of Split, Croatia,
21 December, 2008, (in Croatian),
pdf file
Presentation at The third East-Asia Numerical Astrophysics Meeting
(EANAM2008), Nanjing, China, 10-13 November, 2008,
pdf file
Contributed Talk at the conference "Protostellar Jets in Context",
7-11 July, 2008, Rhodes Island, Greece,
pdf file
Poster at the conference "Protostellar Jets in Context",
7-11 July, 2008, Rhodes Island, Greece,
pdf file
Presentation at the CAST2008 meeting, Hualien, Taiwan, June 01, 2008,
pdf file
Presentation at the Star Formation group meeting, IAA, NTU Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 17, 2008,
pdf file
Astronomy Colloquium talk in National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan,
Nov 2, 2007,
pdf file
Contributed talk at the East Asian Meeting of Astronomers 7, Fukuoka, Japan, Oct
19, 2007, pdf file
Presentation at the TIARA Early Solar System Mixing workshop, TIARA,
Hsinchu, Taiwan, Aug 2007,
pdf file
Contributed talk at the JETSET 4th School, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal,
pdf file
Presentation at CAST96 meeting, Tainan, Taiwan, Jun 3rd, 2007,
pdf file
Posters for Panel meeting, ASIAA, Taipei, Taiwan, Mar 2007
Nr1, mikires.jpg ,
Nr2, mikiNV.jpg
Poster at the PSROC2007 meeting, NCU Jhongli, Taiwan, Jan 2007 and Nr3. for
Panel meeting, ASIAA, Taipei, Taiwan, Mar 2007
Presentation at the JETSET meeting in Sauze d'Oulx, Torino, Italy, 08 Jan 2007,
pdf file
Colloquium at the University of Athens, Greece, 10 March 2006,
pdf file
My Student Seminar at the Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam on Superstring Theory (2001)