Alex Schwarzenberg-Czerny

Research Interests

statistics of astronomical (gapped) time series:
My review article on astro-time series (in ADS 1998BaltA...7...43S), papers on the multiharmonic AOV periodogramme (1996ApJ...460L.107S), the binned AOV periodogramme (1989MNRAS.241..153S), optimum period search (1999ApJ...516..315S), accuracy of periods (1991MNRAS.253..198S), corrected PDM (1997ApJ...489..941S) and empirical periodogram distributions (1998MNRAS.301..831S).
quest for extrasolar planets
new efficient method for search of planetary transits in stellar light curves (2006MNRAS.365..165S), (astro-ph/0509833)
application of statistics in large surveys
See applications of my methods by the Hipparcos (SSRv, 81, 201,pp350ff), OGLE (AcA 44,317) and planet search (ApJ 526, 890) teams; also LCVSS, Eros and Planet collaborations use them.
pulsating stars
I participated in the discovery of the non-radial pulsations in RR Lyr stars (1999AJ....118..442O)
Poznan robotic spectroscopic telescope
I participate in Poznan University spectroscopic project, aiming at precision radial velocity survey of certain bright variable stars with trigonometric parallaxes. We are completing our own robotic telescope coupled by a fibre with the purpose built echelle spectrograph, to be employed for the survey.
accretion onto compact objects
multiwavelength observations of the old nova V603 Aql (2003A%26A...405..663B) and the discless intermediate polar (1997MNRAS.287..117B)

Publikacje/Publications (Outdated!)

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  • Electronic mail and web addresses (pls. replace AT with @),

  • Phone and Fax
    Phone: +48 22 3296118 Fax: +48 22 8410046 (pls. skip spaces)

  • Postal address
    Alex Schwarzenberg-Czerny, Copernicus Astronomical Center, ul. Bartycka 18, 00-716 Warsaw, Poland

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Auto-revised since July 2005.