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of Cepheid Properties

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Type II Cepheids in Eclipsing Binary Systems

Project description

The presence of type II Cepheids in eclipsing binaries give us the same opportunity for studying the physics and evolution of these stars in unprecedented detail. Although not as famous as classical Cepheids, type II Cepheids are also being used as distance indicators, and sometimes are indispensable, as classical Cepheids (being young stars) are not present in all types of galaxies and stellar systems. Their evolution is also more mysterious and our understanding of their origin, structure and pulsations is more limited. The results for the first candidate for such a system were published in 2017, but it appeared that it may be a slightly different object with the mass somewhere in between that of classical and type II Cepheids. The first system containg a genuine type II Cepheid was eventually analyzed and published in 2018. I'm leading this project from the beginning, when it started in 2015.

Main results

Most relevant publications

The dynamical mass and evolutionary status of the type-II Cepheid in the eclipsing binary system OGLE-LMC-T2CEP-211 with a double-ring disk
Bogumił Pilecki, A. Dervisoglu, W. Gieren, R. Smolec, I. Soszyński, G. Pietrzyński, I. B. Thompson, M. Taormina
2018, ApJ, 868, 30 - More information - Get data
The Araucaria Project: High-precision Cepheid astrophysics from the analysis of variables in double-lined eclipsing binaries
Bogumił Pilecki, W. Gieren, G. Pietrzyński, I. B. Thompson, R. Smolec, D. Graczyk, M. Taormina, A. Udalski, J. Storm, N. Nardetto, A. Gallenne, P. Kervella, I. Soszyński, M. Górski, P. Wielgórski, K. Suchomska, P. Karczmarek, B. Zgirski
2018, ApJ, 862, 43 - More information - Get data
Mass and p-factor of the type II Cepheid OGLE-LMC-T2CEP-098 in a binary system
Bogumił Pilecki, W. Gieren, R. Smolec, G. Pietrzyński, I. B. Thompson, R. I. Anderson, G. Bono, I. Soszyński, P. Kervella, N. Nardetto, M. Taormina, K. Stępień, P. Wielgórski
2017, ApJ, 842, 110 - More information - Get data

Relevant conference publications

Physical properties and evolutionary status of Cepheids in eclipsing binaries in the LMC
Bogumił Pilecki
2019, Zenodo, 4984145
The Impact of Eclipsing Binaries with Pulsating Components on the Distance Scale and Stellar Evolution
Bogumił Pilecki
2018, ASPC, 514, 123P
Cepheids in Eclipsing Binaries. What and How We Can Learn About Them
Bogumił Pilecki
2018, Proceedings of the PAS, 6, 237
Pulsation Theory Models for Cepheids in Eclipsing Binary Systems
Mónica Taormina, Bogumił Pilecki,Radosław Smolec
2018, Proceedings of the PAS, 6, 325
Araucaria Project: Pulsating stars in binary systems and as distance indicators
Bogumił Pilecki, W. Gieren, G. Pietrzyński, R. Smolec
2017, EPJWC, 152, 7007

Related publications

Candidates for non-pulsating stars located in the Cepheid instability strip in the Large Magellanic Cloud based on Strömgren photometry
Narloch W., Pietrzyński G., Kołaczkowski Z., Smolec R., Górski M., Kubiak M., Udalski A., Soszyński I., Graczyk D., Gieren W., Karczmarek P., Zgirski B., Wielgórski P., Suchomska K., Pilecki B., Taormina M., Kałuszyński M.
2019, MNRAS, 489, 3285
A Geometrical 1\% Distance to the Short-period Binary Cepheid V1334 Cygni
Gallenne, A., Kervella, P., Evans, N.~R., Proffitt, C.~R., Monnier, J.~D., Merand, A., Nelan, E., Winston, E., Pietrzyński, G., Schaefer, G., Gieren, W., Anderson, R.~I., Borgniet, S., Kraus, S., Roettenbacher, R.~M., Baron, F., Pilecki, B., Taormina, M.,...
2018, ApJ, 867, 121
CRIRES high-resolution infrared spectroscopy of the long-period Cepheid l Carinae
Nardetto, N.; Poretti, E.; Gallenne, A.; Rainer, M.; Anderson, R. I.; Fouqué, P.; Gieren, W.; Graczyk, D.; Kervella, P.; Mathias, P.; Mérand, A.; Mourard, D.; Neilson, H.; Pietrzynski, G.; Pilecki, B.; Storm, J.; Borgniet, S.; Chiavassa, A.; Hocdé, V.; ...
2018, A&A, 616, 92
The Araucaria Project: A study of the classical Cepheid in the eclipsing binary system OGLE LMC562.05.9009 in the Large Magellanic Cloud
W. Gieren, B. Pilecki, G. Pietrzynski, D. Graczyk, A. Udalski, I. Soszynski, I. B. Thompson, P. G. Prada Moroni, R. Smolec, P. Konorski, M. Górski, P. Karczmarek, K. Suchomoska, M. Taormina, A. Gallenne, J. Storm, B. Giuseppe, M. Catalan, M. Szymański, S...
2015, ApJ, 815, 28 - More information - Get data
The Araucaria Project: The First-Overtone Classical Cepheid in the Eclipsing System OGLE-LMC-CEP-2532
B. Pilecki, D. Graczyk, W. Gieren, G. Pietrzynski, I. B. Thompson, R. Smolec, A. Udalski, I. Soszynski, P. Konorski, M. Taormina, A. Gallenne, D. Minniti, M. Catelan
2015, ApJ, 806, 29 - More information - Get data


We gratefully acknowledge financial support for this work from the Polish National Science Centre grant SONATA 2014/15/D/ST9/02248.

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