Join us!

Join the the SAGA (Stellar Abundances and Galactic Archaeology) team! Our team is currently made of the following researchers:

I am always on the look for resourceful and creative candidates interested in a summer internship, in PhD studies, or in post-doc opportunities.

My main interest when hiring is the broadening of the pool of skills and expertise available in the team.

We welcome contact from candidates with any background on observational, theoretical, or computational stellar or Galactic astrophysics. At levels depending on your career stage, we also consider assets: solid programming skills, experience on the application of machine learning methods to astrophysical data, good communication skills, and previous research experience on topics broadly related to stellar and Galactic astrophysics.

We treasure diversity in the team and strive to foster an inclusive environment where anyone can feel welcome and valued regardless of background or identity.


If you are interested, see the list of possible opportunities below and then write to me for further information.

Marie Curie European Postdoctoral Fellowship

The successful Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) continue in the new Horizon Europe framework. The European Postdoctoral Fellowships are open for researchers of any nationality to come to Europe from any country in the world or to move within Europe. The duration of these fellowships must be between 12 and 24 months. Applications for the 2025 program are expected to open around April 2025 with deadline September 2025. As part of Widening actions, applications for the MSCA Fellowship in an Institution hosted in a Widening countries (Poland is one of them) that were well classifed in the general European Postdoctoral Fellowship but still not funded will also be considered for a second poll of money within the ERA Fellowship program. Applicants can choose to be considered in both competitions sending only one application.

Please, get in touch if you are interested in applying.

NAWA Ulam Fellowship

A postdoc fellowship for foreign researchers to develop their careers at a host institutions in Poland. The duration can be from 6 to 24 months. The 2025 call is expected to have deadline in May 2025.

Please, get in touch if you are interested in applying.

Summer Internship at CAMK

The Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center (CAMK PAN) offers an opportunity to participate in our scientific research under a guidance of staff members in Warsaw or Toruń. The program is intended for EU citizens only. We invite 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year undergraduate physics or astronomy students. The duration of an individual programme is from 4 to 6 weeks. Unfortunately, this year we will not manage to offer internships within the SAGA team. This link will send you to the announcement of 2023.

Please, get in touch if you are interested in applying.

GeoPlanet Doctoral School

As a leading member of the GeoPlanet Doctoral School, the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center offers PhD courses in astronomy and astrophysics. The recruitment procedure starts at the beginning of the year, for the course starting on 1st October. At the moment, the Center hosts nearly 40 PhD students, half of them from abroad. All lectures are given in English. For the year starting in October 2021, one PhD thesis topic (funded by the CHESS Sonata Bis grant) was offered. We do not expect to open a position for the next years.

DAAD RISE Worldwide

RISE stands for Research Internships in Science and Engineering. RISE Worldwide offers summer research internships across the world to undergraduate students enrolled in German universites with academic training in a variety of fields. Students can apply usually between November 1st to December 15th, for programs in the summer of the next year. We have hosted four interns within this program so far. For the last one, in the summer of 2023, the topic of the project was a study of the chemical composition of planet-host stars. We do not expect to offer projects in 2024.

You can read about the 2023 project here.

Polonez Bis Fellowship

POLONEZ BIS was a fellowship programme for experienced researchers, co-funded by the European Commission and the Polish National Science Centre under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND grant. Three calls were announced during 2021 and 2022. There are currently no plans for a new call in this program.