New team member!
Dr. Deepak is a new post-doc joining the SAGA team to work on the international collaboration funded by the NCN OPUS/LAP project
"The Old Milky Way: a holistic approach to an accurate analysis of metal-poor stars".
Modelling CUBES: from instrument simulation to data reduction prototype
A paper discussing data simulations and data reduction software for CUBES was presented at the SPIE Astronomical telescopes and instrumentation conference
in Yokohama, Japan, in June 2024.
CUBES paper at SPIE "Astronomical telescopes and instrumentation"
The progress with CUBES towards final design review was presented at the SPIE Astronomical telescopes and instrumentation conference
in Yokohama, Japan, in June 2024. We make the text of the proceedings available here.
End-to-end (E2E) simulator for CUBES
A paper discussing E2E simulator for CUBES was presented at the SPIE Astronomical telescopes and instrumentation conference
in Yokohama, Japan, in June 2024. The text of the proceedings is available at the arXiv.
New paper accepted for publication
The paper entitled "The S-PLUS Ultra-Short Survey: first data release" has been accepted for publication in
Astronomy & Astrophysics, and is now available in the arXiv.
Three-year design study of WST to be funded!
A Horizon Europe funding application has been approved to finance a 3-year design study for the 12-m Wide-field Spectroscopic
Telescope (WST).