Playing CHESS with stars

CHESS is a pipeline for the large scale analysis of stellar spectroscopic data. It's goal is to enable the extraction of complete, precise, and accurate chemical abundances from large samples of stellar spectra. CHESS relies on a combination of the physical modelling of stellar spectra with machine learning methods.

This project is going to provide multi-elemental stellar chemical abundances of unprecedented quality for a sample of more than 10 000 F-, G-, or K-type stars observed with the UVES spectrograph (Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph). The project aims to reveal the sequence of events that describe the chemical evolution of the Galaxy from the early stages to the present. By playing (running) CHESS with (a large sample of) stars, a quality jump in the determination of stellar chemical abundances will be achieved and, as consequence, we will take the understanding of the Galactic chemical enrichment to whole new level.

The Stellar Abundances and Galactic Archaeology (SAGA) Team

The SAGA Team is a research group at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center (CAMK) of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), Warsaw, Poland.

We explore the secrets of the Milky Way using stellar chemical abundances.


Our research interests include stellar evolution, Galactic stellar populations, large spectroscopic surveys, stellar nucleosynthesis, and the chemical composition of planet-host stars. Visit the webpage of the Team P.I. for more information.


"Near-UV stellar spectroscopy: uncovering the past and building the future". A project of the SAGA Team funded by an OPUS grant of NCN, running from July 2019 to December 2023.


"The old Milky Way: a holistic approach to an accurate analysis of metal-poor stars". OLD-MW is a new project of the SAGA Team done in collaboration with the group of Prof. Norbert Christlieb, University of Heidelberg. The project is funded by an OPUS-LAP grant co-financed by NCN and DFG.