The newest version of RaveSpan (and other optional downloads):
RaveSpan registration
If you want to be informed about new updates to the code (and the RaveSpan webpage), please register:
# - python3 install --user
# - copy 'work' directory wherever you want (this will be your working directory)
# - change directory to there (cd /some/path/work)
# - if you downloaded it, move extracted 'slib' directory to your working directory
# - run 'rvspec' inside your working directory (/home/user/work# rvspec)
python 3.9.x
python-matplotlib (≥3.4.0)
numpy (≥1.19.4)
scipy (≥1.5.4)
PyQt5 (≥5.15.0)
Running RaveSpan for the first time:
- Remeber to run the code within a working directory. You can use the sample 'work' directory provided. You can copy or move it anywhere you want and start 'rvspec' there.
- 'preferences' file does not exist at the beginning, which means default settings are used. If you are bothered by the warning, just click 'save' in the Preferences window.
- 'slib' directory contains optional spectrum template library, but is not necessary to run and use the program. Download 'slib_coelho05.tgz' and extract it to the working directory if you want to use it. Then remember to cite the corresponding paper.
- RaveSpan does not read FITS files. Instead you have to convert your spectra to a simple binary data file. A python template script is provided, which have to be modified according to the header keywords of your FITS files (usually different for different instruments).