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by Bogumił Pilecki


RaveSpan (Radial Velocity and Spectrum Analyzer) is an easy to use graphical application that brings together three major velocity extraction methods: CCF, TODCOR, and Broadening Function (BF). All extracted velocities are instantly plotted in the RV curve window. Selected orbital parameters may be fitted afterwards. RaveSpan is composed of several components. There is a spectrum viewer, where you can inspect the collected spectra, compare them with templates, and choose a wavelength range for your analysis. In the orbit viewer, one can see extracted velocities and a model orbit. There is also an orbit fitting tool, with which one can fit selected orbital parameters. The radial velocity analysis tool allows users to see the output of CCF, TODCOR or BF and interactively fit several profiles of different types.

Software features

Using RaveSpan

If you use RaveSpan for your publication, please cite one or more of these papers.

You may download the RaveSpan code from here .