Gerald Handler's Teaching

(Back at the University of Vienna)

Teaching experience

LV No.





800474 Lecture SS05 Variable Stars II 1
800476 Exercise SS05 Variable Stars II 1
280401 Laboratory SS06 Astronomical Laboratory for Beginners 2
280156 Lecture SS07 Variable Stars II 0.67
280165 Exercise SS07 Variable Stars II 1
280401 Laboratory SS07 Astronomical Laboratory for Beginners 2
280450 Seminar WS07/08 Variable Stars I 1
280123 Seminar SS08 Variable Stars II 1.5
280155 Laboratory SS08 Astronomical Laboratory for Beginners 2
280217 Laboratory SS09 Astronomical Laboratory for Beginners 2
280192 Seminar SS09 Astronomical Seminar 2
280431 Lecture WS09/10 Variable Stars I 0.5
280495 Exercise WS09/10 Variable Stars I 0.5
280432 Seminar WS09/10 Asteroseismology 0.4
280193 Seminar WS09/10 Astronomical Seminar 2
280179 Laboratory SS10 Astronomical Laboratory for Beginners 2
280193 Seminar SS10 Astronomical Seminar 2
280228 Lecture SS10 Variable Stars II 1
280229 Exercise SS10 Variable Stars II 0.5
280219 Seminar SS10 Modern Developments in Asteroseismology 0.4
280193 Seminar WS10/11 Astronomical Seminar 2
280441 Seminar WS10/11 New Results in Asteroseismology 0.4
280502 Lecture SS13 Variable Stars I 0.6
280503 Exercise SS13 Variable Stars I 0.6


Latest Update: 03 April 2013


Gerald Handler, Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center Bartycka 18, PL 00-716 Warszawa, Poland

Tel: +48 (22) 3296 130