My academic path

I am employed at CAMK since December 2012. First on three years post-doc position at CAMK Toruń, then as an assistant professor on tenure track at CAMK Warsaw, and now as an associate professor at CAMK Warsaw. I finished my PhD in 2008, at the Department of Astronomy of the University of São Paulo, Brazil. My thesis topic was the use of abundances of light elements (Li, Be, C, N, O, and Na) as tracers of stellar evolution and of the chemical evolution of the Galaxy. My advisor was Dr. Beatriz Barbuy.

After a short 9 months post-doc in São Paulo, funded by a FAPESP fellowship, I moved to Garching bei München, Germany for a 3 years fellowship at ESO. At ESO, 75% of my time was dedicated to independent research and 25% was dedicated to a functional duty. My duty was to work as support astronomer at the User Support Department. I supported users of UVES, the high-resolution spectrograph at UT2 of the VLT.

My short CV in pdf format can be downloaded here.

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