Below is a list with addition of some Proceedings publications which are not listed in ADS:
Energy distribution and substructure formation in astrophysical MHD simulations, Kayanikhoo, Fatemeh;
Čemeljić, M.; Wielgus, M.; Kluzniak, W., 2024, MNRAS, 527, 10151,
General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Accreting Tori: Resolution Study, A. Karakonstantakis,
D. Lančová, M. Čemeljić, 2023, Proceedings of RAGtime 23-25, 173,
pdf file,
Energy dissipation in astrophysical simulations: results of the Orszag-Tang test problem, F. Kayanikhoo,
M. Čemeljić, M. Wielgus, W. Kluźniak, 2023, Proceedings of RAGtime 23-25, 135,
pdf file,
Auroras on Planets around Pulsars, Mishra, Ruchi; Čemeljić, Miljenko; Varela, Jacobo; Falanga, Maurizio,
2023, ApJL, 959, L13, ADS,
Aurora on pulsar planets, M. Čemeljić, J. Varela, 2023, Proceedings of RAGtime 23-25, 41,
pdf file,
Trends in torques acting on the star during a star-disk magnetospheric interaction, M. Čemeljić, A.S. Brun, 2023, A&A, 679, A16,
Magnetically threaded accretion disks in resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations and asymptotic expansion,
M. Čemeljić, W. Klużniak, V. Parthasarathy, 2023, A&A, 678, A57,
Accretion disc backflow in resistive MHD simulations, Mishra, R.; Čemeljić, M. ; Kluźniak, W., 2023, MNRAS, 523, 4708,
Star-disk magnetospheric interaction with non-dipolar stellar field, Cieciuch, Filip, Čemeljić Miljenko, 2022, Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society, 12, 192, ADS, pdf,
Numerical Simulation of Hot Accretion Flow around Bondi Radius, Mosallanezhad, A., Bu, D.-F., Čemeljić, M., Zeraatgari, F. Z., Hai, Y., Mei, L., 2022, ApJ, 939, 12, ADS,
Formation of episodic jets and associated flares from black hole accretion systems,
Cemeljic, Miljenko ; Yang, Hai ; Yuan, Feng ; Shang, Hsien, 2022, ApJ, 933, 55,
ApJ, arXiv:2205.10531,
Inner dusty regions of protoplanetary discs - II. Dust dynamics driven by
radiation pressure and disc winds, D. Vinković, M. Čemeljić, 2021,
500, 506 ,
Backflow in simulated MHD accretion disks, Mishra, Ruchi; Čemeljić,
Miljenko; Kluźniak, Wlodek, 2020, Proceedings of RAGtime 20–22, Opava, Czech
Rep., Eds. Stuchlik, Z. et al., 2020, pp. 203-208, pdf
file, arXiv:2012.13194,
Flux ropes in SANE disks, Čemeljić, Miljenko; Yuan, Feng; Yang, Hai, 2020,
Proceedings of RAGtime 20–22, Opava, Czech Rep., Eds. Stuchlik, Z. et al.,
2020, pp. 11-17,
file, arXiv:2012.00916,
Asymmetric Jet launching, Kotek, Aleksandra; Čemeljić, Miljenko; Kluźniak,
Włodek; Bollimpalli, Deepika A., 2020, XXXIX Polish Astronomical Society
Meeting proceedings, Eds. Małek, K. et al., pp. 275-278,
Backflow in Accretion Disk, Mishra, Ruchi; Čemeljić, Miljenko; Kluźniak,
Włodek, 2020, XXXIX Polish Astronomical Society Meeting proceedings, Eds.
Małek, K. et al., pp. 147-150, pdf,
Towards pseudo-Newtonian black hole jets: comparison of forces, Jabłoński,
Maciej; Kotek, Aleksandra; Čemeljić, Miljenko; Kluźniak, Włodek, 2020, XXXIX
Polish Astronomical Society Meeting proceedings, Eds. Małek, K. et al., pp.
204-206, pdf,
Transport of dust grain particles in the accretion disk, Jaros, Robert;
Čemeljić, Miljenko; Kluźniak, Włodek; Vinković, Dejan; Turski, Cezary, 2020,
XXXIX Polish Astronomical Society Meeting proceedings, Eds. Małek, K. et
al., pp. 177-179, pdf,
The tool DUSTER for computation of dust trajectories in a protoplanetary
disk, Turski, Cezary; Jaros, Robert; Čemeljić, Miljenko; Kluźniak, Włodek;
Bartolić, Fran; Vinković, Dejan, 2020, XXXIX Polish Astronomical Society
Meeting proceedings, Eds. Małek, K. et al., pp. 58-60, pdf,
Light-curve variation caused by accretion column switching stellar
hemispheres, Čemeljić, Miljenko; Siwak, Michał, 2020,
MNRAS, 491, 1057,
Analytical solution for magnetized thin accretion disk in comparison with
numerical simulations, Čemeljić, Miljenko; Parthasarathy, Varadarajan;
Kluźniak, Włodek, 2019,
IAUS, 346, 264,
"Atlas" of numerical solutions for star-disk magnetospheric interaction, M. Čemeljić,
A&A, 624, A31,
With Table 2 results plotted, pdf 29MB,
With Mdot and Jdot also plotted, pdf 35MB,
MHD simulations of resistive viscous accretion disk around millisecond
pulsar, M. Čemeljić, V. Parthasarathy and W. Kluźniak, 2017,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,932,1,012028,
St.Petersburg, 50 years of NS
MHD simulations of oscillating cusp-filling tori around neutron stars - missing upper kHz
QPO, V. Parthasarathy, W. Kluzniak, M. Cemeljic, 2017,
MNRAS, 470, L34, arXiv:1703.05036
Large resistivity in numerical simulations of radially self-similar outflows,
Miljenko Cemeljic, Nektarios Vlahakis and Kanaris Tsinganos, 2014,
MNRAS 442, 1133, arXiv:1405.3924
Magnetic reconnection in a comparison of topology and helicities in two
and three dimensional resistive MHD simulations, Miljenko Cemeljic,
Ruei-Yang Huang, 2014, Physics of Plasmas, 21,
Forces in magnetospheric launching of micro-ejections, M. Cemeljic, poster in
Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15-20, 2013:
arXiv: Poster #1K029
Magnetospheric accretion and ejection of matter in resistive
magnetohydrodynamic simulations, M. Cemeljic,
H. Shang and T.-Y. Chiang, 2013,
ApJ, 768, 5, arXiv:1112.6226C
Magnetospheric launching in resistive MHD simulations, Miljenko Cemeljic,
Hsien Shang, to appear in: Proceedings of MFU
III conference held in August, 2011 in Zakopane, Poland, arXiv:1110.5699
Large resistivity in numerical simulations of radially self-similar
outflows, M. Cemeljic, N. Vlahakis and K. Tsinganos, in:
IAU Symposium S271, Astrophysical Dynamics From Stars to Galaxies (N. Brummell,
A. S. Brun, M. S. Miesch, and Y. Ponty, eds.), Cambridge University Press,
2011, 6, 371, cemeljicposteriaus271.pdf
Resistive MHD jet simulations with large resistivity, M. Cemeljic, J.
Gracia, N. Vlahakis and K. Tsinganos, in:
K. Tsinganos et al. (eds.), Protostellar Jets in Context, Astrophysics and
Space Science Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2009, pp.137-141, arXiv:0906.3254
Star-disk system in 3D resistive MHD simulations,
M.Cemeljic and H.
Shang, abstract in: Abstracts of ASROC Symposium 2008 (CAST 2008),
JTAM (Journal of Taipei Astronomical Museum), Vol.6,
2008, CAST2008.pdf
Resistive jet simulations extending radially self-similar
magnetohydrodynamic models, M. Cemeljic, J. Gracia, N. Vlahakis and K.
Tsinganos, 2008,
MNRAS, 389, 1022 , arXiv:0806.3436
Resistive MHD simulations of
Star-Disk-Jet System, M. Cemeljic, H. Shang and T.Y. Chiang, in:
Internal Document of Proceedings of EAMA7 Symposium (October 2007, Fukuoka,
Japan), 2009, arXiv:0908.2538
Resistive MHD Test for JETSET Code Benchmarks, M.Cemeljic,
In: Abstracts of CAST Symposium 2007, JTAM (Journal of Taipei Astronomical
Museum), Vol.5, 2007, CAST2007.pdf
Resistive magnetohydrodynamic jets from protostellar accretion
disks, Miljenko Cemeljic, 2004, PhD Thesis, University of Potsdam, Germany,
Launching of resistive
magnetic protostellar jets, M. Cemeljic and Ch. Fendt, In: "Stars as Suns: Activity,
Evolution and Planets", eds. A.K. Dupree A.K., Benz A., IAU Symposium no.
219 Proceedings, 2004; arXiv:astro-ph/0311057.
Gravitational light bending and the lightcurves of HMXBs, Bulik, T.,
Gondek-Rosinska, D., Cemeljic, M., 2003, Advances in Space Research,
Puzzling Paucity of Double Peaked X-ray Pulsars, T. Bulik,
D. Gondek-Rosinska, A. Santangelo, T. Mihara, M. Finger, M. Cemeljic,
2003, A&A, 404,
Formation of protostellar
jets - effects of magnetic diffusion, Fendt Ch., Cemeljic M., 2002, A&A,
395, 1045
Protostellar jets and
magnetic diffusion. M. Cemeljic and C. Fendt; JENAM 2002
meeting "Jets 2002: Theory and Observations in YSO's"; In: A.J.L.
Fernandes, P.J.V. Garcia, J.J.G. Lima (eds), Kluwer 2003,
Relativistic Effects in Dips of the X-Ray Pulse Profiles of Accretion
Powered X-Ray Pulsars, M.
Cemeljic and T. Bulik; poster in the "X-Ray astronomy 2000", R. Giaconni, S.
Serio and L. Stella (eds),
Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference
Series Vol. 234, 2001 (posters on the CD added to the book palermoposter.jpg).
On Alignment of the Spin and Magnetic Axes in X-ray Pulsars, Bulik, T.;
Gondek-Rosinska, D.; Cemeljic, M., New Century of X-ray Astronomy, ASP
Conference Proceedings Vol. 251. Edited by H. Inoue and H. Kunieda. ISBN:
1-58381-091-9. San Francisco: Astronomical Society
of the Pacific, 2001., p.342
Dips in the X-ray pulse profiles of accretion powered X-ray pulsars, T. Bulik
and M. Cemeljic, Astro. Lett. and Communications, Vol. 38, pp 49-52,
The Influence of Reprocessing in the Column on the Light Curves of Accretion
Powered Neutron Stars, M. Cemeljic, T. Bulik,
Acta Astronomica, v.48, pp.65-75,(1998)
Inner dusty regions of protoplanetary discs - III. The role of non-radial
radiation pressure in dust dynamics, Vinkovic, D., Cemeljic, M., 2024, MNRAS, 532, 2388,
pdf file,
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