New paper accepted in A&A!
The paper "Discovery of a pair of very metal-poor stars enriched in neutron-capture elements" has been accepted for
publication in A&A.
Paper accepted in A&A!
The paper "Probing the Origins I: Generalised Additive Model inference of birth radii for Milky Way stars in the solar vicinity"
has been accepted for publication in A&A.
WST Science Leaders Meeting
The leaders of science working groups in the WST project met for discussions at ESO in Garching bei Muenchen, Germany.
HRMOS Busy Week 2025
The science and technical teams involved in the HRMOS project met for discussions in the Arcetri Observatory, Florence, Italy.
CAMK Annual Meeting 2025
Like every year, January sees the Annual Meeting of the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center. The members of the SAGA
Team presented their activities during the past year.
DAINA project on CNO abundances starts!
January 2025 marks the start of the project on CNO abundances funded by a DAINA grant with the
first of our monthly team telecoms.