Last update: 2015.08.24
dcr.png Detect and Remove Cosmic Rays (dcr)
Read the article: Pych, W., 2004, PASP, 116, 148
phone: +48 22 32 96 107
Download the source code dcr.tar   (update 2015.08.24)


This is a short description of the steps to be taken. Example commands are from a terminal open under Linux operating system:

  1. Download package dcr.tar
  2. Extract the source files:
    tar -xvf dcr.tar
  3. Compile:

If there are no error messages, then the program dcr should be ready to use. Remember about setting parameters appropriate for you data − edit dcr.par


This program has been written and tested under Linux (Fedora and Ubuntu distributions). We don't see any reason for it not to work under other operating systems with the GNU Compiler Collection installed. If you happen to use a different compiler, then you need to modify the makefile .

We have got the reports of this software working at:

Good luck,
Wojtek Pych