RR Lyr in the OGLE Catalog
Photometric Parameters of RR Lyr Variable Stars in the Galactic Bulge.

Photometric Parameters of RR Lyr Variable Stars in the Galactic Bulge.
Acta Astronomica , 1997, Vol. 47, pp. 183-200

Arkadiusz Olech
Warsaw University Observatory, Al. Ujazdowskie 4, Warszawa, 00-478, Poland

March 12, 1997


We present a complete set of OGLE photometric measurements for 214 RR Lyrae variables in the Galactic bulge, based on four observing seasons: 1992--95. These are mostly I-band measurements, with some V-band observations obtained mainly in 1995. Based on this material we construct the Fourier decomposition of the I-band light curves and investigate different types of RR Lyr variability. We also determine the value of the extinction-insensitive parameter VV-I for RR Lyr stars in fields with different galactic longitude l and compare with values of VV-I calculated for red clump stars by Stanek et al. (1994). The observed and free from interstellar extinction mean brightness and V-I color of RR Lyr stars are also presented.

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Tables: Tables 2-6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9