V485 Centauri
V485 Centauri
Coordinates: 2000.0   R.A.= 12:57:23.30    Dec.= -33 12 06.8
V1500 Cygni was observed in Las Campanas Observatory during 14 nights in May and June of 1997. The results of this campaign were described in one paper published in Acta Astronomica and one note in IAU Circular no. 6666.

V 485 Centauri: the Shortest Period SU UMa Star
Acta Astronomica , 1997, Vol. 47, pp. 281-298

Arkadiusz Olech
Warsaw University Observatory, Al. Ujazdowskie 4, Warszawa, 00-478, Poland

June 10, 1995


We report CCD observations of the dwarf nova V485 Cen during its 1997 superoutburst. The long lasting outburst with characteristic slope, brightness dip and presence of clear superhumps give evidence that V485 Cen belongs to the group of SU UMa-type variables. The superhump period is equal to 0.042156 +/- 0.000004 days (60.7 min). Thus, V485 Cen has the shortest known period among SU UMa-type stars, with a period as much as 25% shorter than previously known objects. The analysis of times of superhump maxima gives clear evidence for the increase of superhump period with dPsh/dt = 28.3 times 10-5. This fact confirms the hypothesis that the shortest periods SU UMa variables contrary to other stars of this type have positive values of dPsh/dt.

PDF version of this paper is available.

IAU Circ. no. 6666

A. Olech, Warsaw University Observatory, writes: "CCD observations of the dwarf nova V485 Cen during its recent outburst, collected with the 1.3-m Warsaw telescope at Las Campanas Observatory as a subproject of the OGLE-2 project, indicate that this star belongs to the SU UMa group of cataclysmic variables. A 3-hr I-band observation on May 17.1 UT shows three well-developed typical superhumps with an amplitude of 0.25 mag and period 57.7 min. Thus, V485 Cen has the shortest known period among SU UMa- type stars, with a period as much as 25 percent shorter than previously known objects."