V1141 Aquilae
V1141 Aquilae
Coordinates: 2000.0   R.A.= 19:37:09.81   Dec.= +02:36:00.5
The results of this campaign were described in one paper published in Acta Astronomica.

Superhumps in V1141 Aquilae
Acta Astronomica , 2003, Vol. 53, pp. ??-??

Arkadiusz Olech
Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center
Polish Acedemy of Science
ul. Bartycka 18, 00-716 Warszawa

February 4, 2003


The results of the CCD observations of the 2002 superoutburst of V1141 Aql are described. We have detected clear superhumps characterized by the period of 0.05930(5) days, which clearly indicates that the star is a member of SU UMa class of dwarf novae.

PS version of this paper is available.