SW Ursae Majoris
Coordinates: 2000.0 R.A.= 08:36:42.80 Dec.= +53:28:38.2
SW Ursae Majoris is a dwarf nova of the SU UMa subclass.
SW UMa was observed in Ostrowik during 9 nights in the spring
of 1996. The results of this
campaign were described in one paper published in Acta Astronomica.
CCD Photometry of SW Ursae Majoris during the 1996 Superoutburst
Acta Astronomica , 1997, Vol. 47, pp. 201-209
I. Semeniuk, A. Olech, T. Kwast and M. Należyty
Warsaw University Observatory, Al. Ujazdowskie 4, Warszawa, 00-478, Poland
March 22, 1997
We present CCD R photometry of SW Ursae Majoris -- an SU UMa type
cataclysmic variable -- obtained during its April 1996 superoutburst.
The mean value of the superhump period Psh derived from our
observations is 0.05818 +/- 2 days (83.8 min). The analysis of times of
superhump maxima gives clear evidence for the increase of the superhump
period with dPsh/dt=8.9 times 10-5
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